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Hard nature: unexpected luxury

Through time, nature’s power has demonstrated it can not only blend, but layer rock and crystal to create an astounding natural, yet innate, sense of luxury. The final effect having a frosted, glistening feel, like natural beauty does on a frosty morning.

This post explores a trend project, following the trend 'Worth'.

Iridescent qualities are developed through Devore alongside fresh velvets and metallic embellishments, complimenting areas of flocking and layered stitch methods. Beading creates a frosted finish, spreading to and from dense impact to a delicate appearance.

Moss like qualities are achieved through collage and flocking.

Beading and stitch manipulation are also combined with flocking.

Imagery taken from natural crystals and stones.

Texture from the natural environment was a main focus, incorporating plants and softer touches to the hard rock.

Final piece.

Final piece.

Final piece.

Final piece.

Key elements explored through the project include Futuristic, mysterious, frosted, polished and fresh.

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